Keyboard and mouse controls
Main console
- F1: Change view.
- F2: Use the map system.
- F3: Look at your own information.
- F4: Select targets, operate autopilot and communicate.
- SHIFT-F1 to F5: Time compression
- CTRL click on Time compression icons: Force time compression
- Numbers or click to select
Map System
- F5: Galactic sector view
- F6: System orbit view
- F7: Star system information
- F8: Galactic view
Galactic sector view
- Arrows Up/Down: Scroll X
- Arrows Left/Right: Scroll Y
- Page Up/Down: Scroll Z
- W: Roll up
- S: Roll down
- A: Roll left
- D: Roll right
- C: Center to where I am
- H: Center to selected system
- Enter: Enable/Disable automatic system selection
In flight
- F5: Turns off the autopilot, and changes between manual flight and set speed flight
- F6: Undercarriage
- F7: Hyperdrive
- F8: Set lower trust speed
- CTRL click on Autopilot icon: Cycle Heding control to forward, afterward and off
- Tab: Toggle HUD labels
- `: Lua console
- SHIFT 1: Forward view
- SHIFT 2: Backward view
- SHIFT 3: External view
- SHIFT 4: Fixed view
- , and .: In fixed view, roll camera
- \: Toggle scanner mode
- ]: Increase scanner range
- [: Decrease scanner range
- T: Target object in crosshair
- Space: Fire laser
Manual control
- Q: Roll left
- W: Pitch forward
- E: Roll right
- A: Yaw left
- S: Pitch up
- D: Yaw right
- U: Ventral thruster (slide up)
- I: Aft thruster (go forwards)
- O: Dorsal thruster (slide down)
- J: Starboard thruster (slide left)
- K: Forward thruster (go backwards)
- L: Port thruster (slide right)
"Set speed" control mode
- Q: Roll left
- W: Pitch forward
- E: Roll right
- A: Yaw left
- S: Pitch up
- D: Yaw right
- Enter: Set speed faster
- RightShift: Set speed slower
You can also steer the ship with your mouse while holding the right mouse button.