Keyboard and mouse controls

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Revision as of 19:32, 3 November 2020 by Nozmajner (talk | contribs) ("Set speed" control mode: describing the settin the reference frame on combat target.)
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Main console

  • F1: Change view.
  • F2: Use the map system.
  • F3: Look at your own information.
  • F4: Select targets, operate autopilot and communicate.
  • SHIFT-F1 to F5: Time compression
  • PgUp / PgDwn: Increase / decrease time compression
  • CTRL click on Time compression icons: Force time compression
  • CTRL-Print Screen: Save screenshot
  • CTRL-F9: Quick save
  • CTRL-Q: Quit instantly
  • ALT-F1: Change view to fly by camera


  • Numbers or click to select

Map System

  • F5: Galactic sector view
  • F6: System orbit view
  • F7: Star system information
  • F8: Galactic view


Galactic sector view

  • Arrows: Rotate
  • Page Up/Down: Scroll Z
  • W, A, S ,D: Move on the plane
  • R, F: Move up and down
  • C: Center to where I am
  • H: Center to selected system
  • Enter: Enable/Disable automatic system selection
  • Space: Set Hyperspace Target to Lock or Follow Selection


Orbital view

  • click / unclick (planet or ship) sets / unsets as navigation target, and to focus on it
  • Hold right mouse to rotate the view

In flight

  • F5: Turns off the autopilot, and changes between manual flight and set speed flight
  • F6: Undercarriage
  • F7: Hyperdrive
  • F8: Set lower thrust speed
  • F9: Toggle missile / scanner panel on / off
  • CTRL click on Autopilot icon: Cycle Heading control to forward, afterward and off (note: Ctrl+F5 doesn not work, must use mouse)
  • R: Toggle rotation damping
  • Tab: Cycle through full HUD/HUD without labels/No HUD and cockpit
  • `: Lua console
  • Clicking on an object (planet, star, station, ship), will select it as a target.
  • CTRL click on a object, will select it as a target and as reference body.


  • KP 8: Front Camera / Rotate External/Sidereal Up
  • KP 2: Rear Camera / Rotate External/Sidereal Down
  • KP 4: Left Camera / Rotate External/Sidereal Left
  • KP 6: Right Camera / Rotate External/Sidereal Right
  • KP 9: Top Camera
  • KP 3: Bottom Camera / Roll External/Sidereal Right
  • +: Zoom in (external/sidereal view only)
  • -: Zoom out (external/sidereal view only)
  • Home: Reset zoom (sidereal view only)
  • , and .: In fixed view, roll camera

In external views, third mouse button rotates the view.

(NOTE: If you do not have a numeric keypad, please rebind the view direction controls from the View tab in the Settings screen)


  • \: Toggle scanner mode
  • ]: Increase scanner range
  • [: Decrease scanner range



  • T: Target object in crosshair
  • Space: Fire laser
  • M: Launch missile


Manual control 

  • W, S: Forward/backward thrust
  • A, D: Left/right lateral thrust
  • R, F: Up/down lateral thrust
  • Q,E; I,O: Roll CCW/CW
  • J,L: Yaw left/right
  • I,K: Pitch down/up
  • X, P: Kill rotation
  • V: Toggle rotation damping

Holding the right mouse also rotates the ship.

Hold SHIFT + <key> to low power thrust and smooth turns.

"Set speed" control mode

Thrust and rotation are same as above

  • Enter, T: Set speed faster
  • Right Shift, G: Set speed slower

Engaging any of the translation thrusters will tempralily disengage Set Speed Mode, until the directional thrust is cut.

A useful tip when you need to approach ships, either in combat, or a SAR mission for example. Pressing ctrl+LMB on the tartget will set it as the reference frame. Then the Set Speed mode will work relative to the ship, which in practice acts like a match speed mode, if speed is set to 0.

Joystick Controls

Cheats and debug

  • CTRL-I: Debug informations (FPS and other statistics).
  • CTRL-F10: Object viewer. Shows the currently targeted object. It allows for editing the properties of target planet
  • CTRL-F12: Spawn a hostile ship
  • Console: ~ or ´ depending on keyboard. Some useful commands for debugging/testing code/contributions are given here, but remember, cheating is for weaklings. However, it is allowed to restore borked saves.