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Venturestar - Freighter
File:Venturestar silhouette.png


Manufacturer [[{{{manufacturer}}}]]
Ship statistics
Price 930000 Cr
Hull Mass 200 t
Capacity 500 t
Cargo capacity {{{cargo_capacity}}} t
Crew min. 3 max. 5
Hyperdrive mount yes Default class: 4
Scoop mounts {{{max_scoop_mounts}}}
Max cabins {{{max_cabins}}}
Weapon mounts {{{max_weapons}}}
Max missiles {{{max_missiles}}}
Fuel tank capacity 200 t
Exhaust Velocity 51784e3 km/s
deltaV empty: {{{deltav_empty}}} km/s full: {{{deltav_full}}} km/s
Forward acceleration empty: {{{forward_accel_empty}}} G full: {{{forward_accel_full}}} G
Reverse acceleration empty: {{{reverse_accel_empty}}} G full: {{{reverse_accel_full}}} G
Up acceleration empty: {{{up_accel_empty}}} G full: {{{up_accel_full}}} G
Down acceleration empty: {{{down_accel_empty}}} G full: {{{down_accel_full}}} G
Lateral acceleration empty: {{{lateral_accel_empty}}} G full: {{{lateral_accel_full}}} G
Angular acceleration empty: {{{angular_accel_empty}}} full: {{{angular_accel_full}}}
Atmospheric characteristics
Atmo. shield mount {{{atmo_shield}}}
Atmo. pressure limit {{{atmo_pressure_limit}}} atm
Lift coefficient {{{lift_coef}}}
Aerodynamic stability {{{aero_stability}}}
Frontal drag {{{front_drag}}}
Sideways drag {{{side_drag}}}
Top drag {{{top_drag}}}


Improvements and changes

Other uses