Getting Started with Development

From PioneerWiki
Revision as of 13:33, 25 January 2013 by Jpab (talk | contribs) (Scrap notes about how to build; point to COMPILING.txt in the repository instead)
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Getting the Code

Pioneer is managed using Git, and is stored on Github. The official repository is the best one to get. To get it:

git clone git://

This will get you on the "master" branch, which is where new code is merged. This is the latest and greatest development and is quite unstable. To build a specific alpha, you need to checkout the appropriate release tag:

git checkout alpha20


There are instructions for how to compile the code included in the repository:



For developers on Linux, gdb can be used for debugging

gdb ./src/pioneer

Bugs, and feature requests, should be logged on the issue tracker.