Places of interest

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If you've found something bizarre and/or wonderful, let other players know where here. Though if it's a bug it should be on the Issue tracker.

Timing (Eclipses, etc.)

  • Epsilon Eridani (1,-1,-1), New Hope, Itzalean space port, at January 1 3200 22:00 there is an eclipse as Hades blocks out the light from Epsilon Eridani.
  • Go to Vetiar (-14, -12, -11) A's colony Brennan Base on the world Morales's Mine and wait until 3204 Apr 25 around 2:53. A double sunset awaits.
  • Canen (-89,0,1), Valášek Colony, Fort Robinson: 3208, July 10th, 19:24:52, the medium gas giant Canen b's decent-sized rings partially eclipse the red giant Canen through the oxygen atmosphere of Valášek Colony.
  • Zelia (-16, -3, 1), 11 June 3201, at around 19:30 go stay near the sunny side of Zelia A,B e and you will see a merged 8-shaped shadow of it's two moons.
  • Canack(-3127, 0, 2), 16 January 3200, land on asteroid Canack a a, around coordinates S 005°12'49" W 152°14'22". At around 4:20, the brown dwarf Canack a will block the red hypergiant Canack. The exact time and place provided is not a must, as this star-star eclipse is a regular occurence due to Canack a and Canack a a having similar orbital planes relative to Canack.


  • Waioeth (-13, -9, -13) is a red supergiant roughly 1.7 AU wide. At the distant world of Fox Colony, one can buy basic military drives, hyperspace cloud analyzers, and a variety of other interesting sundries. A heck of a vacation spot.
  • Ackay (-13, -13, -10), a red giant star 0.15 wide. The planets are far enough away from each other to make missions between them completely impractical. A superjupiter as far away as Pluto!
  • Ethandce (-32, -36, 0) is a triple star system formed by hypergiant and supergiants. In addition, two of these stars (Ethandce A and Ethandce B) are very close to each other.

Life, But Not As We Know It

  • Gretia (-7, -6, -8)'s world Sampson looks like a partially terraformed Mars. Its ecosystem is reputedly quite complex, and the planet is studded with human settlements. Not exactly undiscovered country, but if all you want is to see an exotic lifeform in its natural habitat, and you don't really want to just get away from it all, it's a great place to start. You'll also get a look at life under an M class star!

Terrain Features

  • In Edack (4, -2, 0) system, on Espinoza's Rock (the innermost planet), near Foley City; there is a very interesting canyon with bizzare pillar-like structures.

 Man Made

  • Olsina's Rock, the innermost planet in Gliese 205 (2, -1, -1) has 20 space stations orbiting it.

Galactic Center

  • Sagittarius A* (-3125, 0, 0) system houses the galactic anchor; a supermassive black hole which keeps the Milky Way Galaxy together with it's strong gravity. The system also houses 2 terrestrial bodies and 3 orbital stations.
  • Terminus, a planet in the Sagittarius A* (-3125, 0, 0) system rotates so fast that it's surface's tagential speed exceeds the escape velocity of the planet; ships have to accelerate towards the ground in order to land!
  • Having no stars in the system, it can be quite hard to see ships and planets since there are no natural light sources.

Sol System Travel to Thebe's vicinity at the Sol System (0, 0, 0) right when game starts (recommended to start at Mars). If you did it correctly, you will see Jupiter about to block out Sol's light! (Note that Thebe is a moon of Jupiter and you can always try again because of it's proximity to the planet). Speed time up to 100x real time and enjoy the eclipse!