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== Description ==
== Description ==
The smallest and lightest vessel from the OPLI shipyard. It has the same design as the other OPLI ships due to technology restrictions: The prisoners mustn't get in contact with sensible apperatures that could be sabotaged. This ship is used as small transfer vehicle for people who want to have a bit of fun flying around the solar system or higher generals who want to travel to starports where their large ships can't dock without showing much radar signature. The xylophis is hyperspace capable, allowing short trips to other systems or to flee when under fire. As with any OPLI-Barnard ships, Xylophis is easy to maintain, but it needs frequent maintenance. Upgrading and tuning is difficult because the space is limited and since there is nearly no demand there are not much parts for tuning it up.
The smallest and lightest vessel from the OPLI shipyard. A simply built, easy to operate light shuttle mainly intended for short station to station or station to ship hops.
The Xylophis is hyperspace capable, but only barely. Which allows for short interstellar trips.
As with any OPLI-Barnard ships, Xylophis is easy to maintain, but it needs frequent maintenance. Upgrading and tuning is difficult because the space is limited. Despite its limitations, the ship became a favorite among space enthusiast who want a cheap ship to fly around once in a while.
Currently, this is the beginner ship for the pilots who begin their journey at Barnard's Star.
Currently, this is the beginner ship for the pilots who begin their journey at Barnard's Star.

Revision as of 15:24, 4 February 2022

Xylophis - Light cargo shuttle Ship class light passenger shuttle.png
File:Xylophis silhouette.png

Manufacturer OPLI-Barnard Inc.
Ship statistics
Price 16,872 Cr
Hull Mass 5 t
Capacity 10 t
Cargo capacity 10 t
Crew min. 1 max. 2
Hyperdrive mount yes Default class: 0
Scoop mounts 0
Max cabins 1
Weapon mounts 1
Max missiles 0
Fuel tank capacity 4 t
Exhaust Velocity 9,900 km/s
deltaV empty: 5,819 km/s full: 2,340 km/s
Forward acceleration empty: 1.5 G full: 1.5 G
Reverse acceleration empty: 1.5 G full: 1.34 G
Up acceleration empty: 2 G full: 1.34 G
Down acceleration empty: 1 G full: 0.8 G
Lateral acceleration empty: 1 G full: 0.8 G
Angular acceleration empty: - full: -
Atmospheric characteristics
Atmo. shield mount yes
Atmo. pressure limit 3 atm
Lift coefficient 0
Aerodynamic stability 0.25
Frontal drag 0.56
Sideways drag 0.84
Top drag 0.95


The smallest and lightest vessel from the OPLI shipyard. A simply built, easy to operate light shuttle mainly intended for short station to station or station to ship hops.

The Xylophis is hyperspace capable, but only barely. Which allows for short interstellar trips.

As with any OPLI-Barnard ships, Xylophis is easy to maintain, but it needs frequent maintenance. Upgrading and tuning is difficult because the space is limited. Despite its limitations, the ship became a favorite among space enthusiast who want a cheap ship to fly around once in a while.

Currently, this is the beginner ship for the pilots who begin their journey at Barnard's Star.


It's main role is low range intra-system shuttle and courier. With a hyperdrive installed it can be used for fun flights to other systems or to hop away from enemies to a safe system. Due to its size it can't be efficiently used for a lot of purposes but its size makes it more difficult to detect and in asteroid field it is nearly impossible to get it. It can occasionally be seen in Solar Federation space, in independent systems its popularity is a bit lower. It's not a common sight in CIW space. In fact OPLI-Barnard ships are disliked because they are produced with penal labor.


Xylophis is a good ship for people with low demands. It is often used by hobbyists and people interested in space because it is small, easy to control and dependable. Like most other OPLI ships it has a wide margin of error, so it's ideal starter craft. Its main drawback is the very small cargo space.