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Bluenose - Medium freighter Ship class medium freighter.png
File:Bluenose silhouette.png
Manufacturer OKB Kaluri
Ship statistics
Price 518,244 Cr
Hull Mass 210 t
Capacity 600 t
Cargo capacity 550 t
Crew min. 2 max. 3
Hyperdrive mount yes Default class: 4
Scoop mounts 2
Max cabins 20
Weapon mounts 2
Max missiles 2
Fuel tank capacity 375 t
Exhaust Velocity 17,600 km/s
deltaV empty: 18,031 km/s full: 6,696 km/s
Forward acceleration empty: 2.4 G full: 1.8 G
Reverse acceleration empty: 1 G full: 0.77 G
Up acceleration empty: 2 G full: 1.03 G
Down acceleration empty: 1.56 G full: 0.6 G
Lateral acceleration empty: 1.56 G full: 0.6 G
Angular acceleration empty: - full: -
Atmospheric characteristics
Atmo. shield mount yes
Atmo. pressure limit 4.2 atm
Lift coefficient 0
Aerodynamic stability 0.45
Frontal drag 0.87
Sideways drag 1.1
Top drag 1.3


A rugged medium Haber Corp/OKB freighter with a chequered history. A lack of maneuverability is made up for by respectable acceleration and good cargo capacity. Intended as a space-only or low gravity world ship, thrust assisted descent is possible. Found throughout the galaxy in low numbers but is more commonly seen in back water systems.


The Bluenose will be quietly remembered as the offspring of one of the most bizarre events in space-aviation history. In the year XXX OKB Kaluri entered into, what was referred to at the time as “an unholy alliance” with Haber Corp. to produce a mass market medium freighter combining the best that both companies could offer. OKB hoped the endeavor would open up new markets within Solar Federation territories while Haber looked to take advantage of the significant gains in technology made by the OKB research division. The Bluenose was to be a rugged and durable space-frame equipped with a suite of advanced avionics; on paper, this should have been a recipe for an excellent spacecraft.

Released to much fanfare, the first shipments rolled off the production lines to a somewhat mixed reception. While the intent behind the Bluenose's functional design was generally lauded, pundits were somewhat more critical of the craft's unusual aesthetics. The then editor of DraQ-aerospace-monthly commented that the Bluenose was “ugly *and* boxy”, although subsequently stated he had been misquoted. Despite asthetic criticism initial sales were good, raising hopes the collaboration would succeed and boost inter-system standing of both companies.

In the following months after release reports of technical abnormalities begin to appear. Official statements from both companies down played these issues as teething problems, insisting affected components would be recalled and their design revised for future models. Media outlets quickly generated a flurry of articles labeling the Bluenose as not market-ready and a potential death-trap. Sources close to OKB and Haber engineering devisions hinted towards a design process plagued by conflict, driven by the differing ethos between the two companies.

Tragicaly in XXX a privately registered Bluenose tore itself apart above YYYY after suffering complete attitude control failure with the owner’s husband and children onboard. The resulting media-storm drew widespread condemnation of the Bluenose’s safety record. Media reporting of the YYYY incident quickely escalated with many fingering the manufacturers as responsible for the deaths. OKB and Haber halted further production of the Bluenose, bringing an acrimonious end to their venture. As neither company accepted responsibility for the decision, Bluenose shipments were never recalled for the required corrections. Customers were left with a costly bill or rectify the numerous design issues themselves. Unable to sell on their purchases due to poor reputation, large numbers of ships remained in the hands of their original owners.

Over time and despite the initial expense and effort of modification, many pilots came to respect the Bluenose for its relatively high delta-V and ease of handling. The Bluenose was oft heard discussed favourably in station cafes and stopovers across the known systems. These time-tested ships eventually being highly sought in certain quarters for the ruggedness and reliability they had always promised.

In an effort to recoup losses suffered during development, OKB and Haber allowed numerous smaller shipyards to manufacture the Bluenose under licence. Correcting earlier design flaws, these shipyards were able to turn a modest profit from subsequent sales and still produce these ships in low numbers today.

Improvements and changes

The Bluenose underwent a number of revisions during production with many more alterations made by owners post-production. No two Bluenoses are quite the same. 

Other uses

Often found used as intra-system runabouts ferrying people and goods between stations.