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Roads/streetlights, road layouts/city shapes vary based on faction.
Building placement  based on factions. 2-4 disting “districts” per city. District types depend on faction culture.
Wheeled and hover vehicles going from building to building, entering/exiting “garages”
NPC pedestrians walking from building to building. Sprite based.
LOD lights on skyscrapers, for streetlights etc. Visible from space. Example: Google Image search Project 2dFX.

Road layout templates, filled in with sidestreets.
Basic pathfinding for vehicles.
Sidewalks in city cores/sidestreets. Pedestrian traffic.
Streetlights along roads. Varied density based on district type. Slight colour variation among different factions.

Residential buildings, factories, government buildings, corporate buildings, hospitals, arcologies, vertical farms, power stations, solar fields, wind turbines.
Smaller modular buildings that connect.
Larger buildings connected by sky walkways
Doors/garage doors on buildings are terminal points where npc pedestrians and vehicles spawn/despawn.'
LOD lights on buildings. Mostly variations of red lights on buildings for aircraft to avoid. “City center” districts can have different colour lights on buildings. Some factions have one, but can have up to 8 different colours for lights for their city centers.

One basic sprite with changeable pallets based on faction colours. Some factions have more colour variation, or variation on more or less of the parts. 
5 Views, front, back, left, right, and top.
Walking animation, running animation, standing animation, basic talking animation, basic repairing animation.
Simply walk from one buildings to another, but sometimes stop in groups “talking”
Special paths that only certain types of NPCS can travel on (Police, repair crews near landing pads)
Shooting NPCs despawns them, leaving a small blood cloud which disappears.

Personal vehicles (small, represent 2-4 people travelling)
Police vehicles. (small, represent lawmen)
Public Transport (Buses on roads, trains on rails)
Goods Transport
Shooting vehicles despawns them, leaving an explosion which soon diseappears.