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This story contributed by: thargoid


Solar Federation

(17 Systems, including 5 stage 1 colonies, 4 stage 2, 2 tributaries and six old worlds)

Member Systems

•Sol (old world)

•Barnards Star

•Tau Ceti (old world)

•Alpha Centauri/Proxima

•Arcturus (old world)

•Wolf 359 (old world)

•Kapteyn's Star

•Van Maneens Star System

•Sigma Draconis

•Giliese 406

•61 Cygni

Expansion Rules/Conditions

System of Origin: Sol

Date of formation: 2333

Expansion shape:

outward in all quadrants except toward Epsilon Eridani

Expansion Mood:


Expansion Policy:

Pre the 'War of Hope', the philosophy was to conquer existing independent colonies (through economic power or force of arms). After the 'War of Hope', war was seen as very unpopular back home, so the policy changed to:

Cloak and Dagger: Solar Federation doesn't officially worry about all the independents out there. Unofficially, it wants to rule everyone. Operatives (incl freelance) to create instability in independents so Solar Fed can swoop in as the hero to bring back order, or supply resources and worm its way into control


• freelance missions to destroy buildings on independents (banks, treasuries, factories of critical foodstuffs, etc)

• the independents around the Solar Federation are getting wise to this 'takeover strategy' A few of them band together to protect their borders. In a stage of the game they could unite their feeble forces into a garrison. Depending on where the player is at they could be asked to 'pretend join' the garrison and destroy as many ships as possible, or 'actually join' the garrison and help defend it when the solar federation arrives to 'help' the 'struggling' colony.

• Ship concept: The Solar Federation 'Peacekeeper' class capital ship, a gun platform styled ship whose design is based around being able to blow the be-je-zus out of planetary defense

o It would be interesting to be a witness to such a ship arriving and pounding a planet…you the Pioneer just happening to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Do you take part? Or just let it happen? Which side would you choose?

• Ship concept: these independents which pool together have not much money so they get creative in their garrison defence. They weld together all kinds of scrapped ships just to get the numbers up. This design of ship gets popularised and copied amongst chop shops around the galaxy as the Chop'n'Splice or CNS (pronounced 'Sins') model. The ship is one ugly son of a bitch but they show themselves to be tough, well armed and prone to electrical faults.

o A whole array of CNS ships can be developed, merging different ships together. There could be a certain kudos in flying one in independent space as it would be akin to driving the General Lee (complete with confederation flag on the roof) through Hazzard (surely you are all old enough to get the reference) and get a similarly negative kudos in Federation space.

Systems interested in:

Anything that is already colonised, any system with abundant resources ready for mining

Systems not interested in:

empty systems, flare stars.


from earth's ravaged environment past comes a wealth of environmental groups who like to set up enclaves in distant systems for whatever flora/fauna is of interest to them.


• These groups are all Earth lovers at heart and dream of bringing back whatever flora/fauna they protect back to earth. Some of the groups may have extremists, who think it'll be a good idea to wipe earth and replace it with said flora/fauna. These people are desperate. They might want some 'packages' sent to Earth by freelance agents.

• Most of these groups will be scientists who have a passion for f/f. They'll need contact with similar minds across the cosmos. Deliveries made of DNA strands that have been modified to be able to live on (somewhat irradiated) Earth. Packages of notes, evidence, lab reports, etc as this isn't something you could trust for electronic transmission.

• There might be one particular scientist who is an expert on a symbolic type of flora, say the Fern (New Zealand) or the Maple tree (Canada) or Gum tree (Aus) and he is making a very public war against Earth for its stance or he is just doing a lot of lectures around the place about his work and its importance and its creating a distraction for some forces atop the Solar Federation. They decide they want him terminated and hire a freelancer.

o The confederation want his services and hire a freelancer to courier from lecture to lecture to keep him safe. Maybe you get ambushed on this job and have to protect him (on route from system to system).

Technology Rating:

12 (on old elite scale): Can colonise airless rocks and will do so if it deemed appropriate. Can also do low level terraforming of suitable planets to be more friendly for human life. Can do full terraforming but only if a planet if super special as there is an associated price.

(Note 12 should be the base tech rating of the solar federation but then each system will have an adjustment factor because some parts of solar federation won't be as high in tech level)


• Terra forming is big bucks. Sabotaging terra forming will earn someone big bucks too. There should be gangs hired to protect terra forming from opposing political factions. And freelancers hired to do sabotaging. Obviously official military can't be used because everyone is pretending that no one is trying to sabotage anyone because we'll all friends now and no one is at war.

• Frankly no one population actually wants war. Its pretty unpopular these days. But the price of freedom is eternal vigilance and you have to get your military practice every now and again. Continual skirmishes along the boundaries should be a regular.

• Pirate Anmesty. Like in Sid Meiers Pirates!


Communication Technology

Hyperspace relays do not exist. Communication is limited by the speed of light. Official Federation news in conveyed from system to system (ie from each systems effective white house) via specialist courier ships. They are designed to do one thing: travel through hyperspace quickly. A data packet of news, orders, etc gets loaded onto ship, it jumps into another system, fires off a transmission, then buggers off to the next system for a delivery. If data is especially importart/critical/sensitive then Courier can fly the data to the starport and the pilot can make a personal delivery. Stumbling upon one of these ships might make an interesting mission. Providing you can disable it/destroy it (because they are bloody fast) then scooping up the data packet and selling to the opposition may be a tidy way to make some coin on the side.

News and other media employ the same tactic, they have their own couriers to transmit news between their various networks. If you stretch out current Earth news services out into the galaxy then that is what we have now, A lot of shared data and piggybacking, but each country/channel presents the information itself, has its own news, etc.

Gossip, hearsay, rumours, pilot logs. As traders travel from one place to another they might often sell their pilot logs to the media outlets, if they've seen something interesting enough to warrant it. Anything this trader has heard in his travels will likely be in some way recorded at the local tavern. Adding a tavern gossip button to the BBS might get around the whole issue of 'not leaving the ship' but I imagine that 'news' as far as the player is concerned will revolve around the comings and goings of different fleets (recorded as gossip/hearsay by other travels and available on the bbs as such) price hikes, drops of particular goods, mention of pandemics, saw an assassination here or there, a nugget of information about some corporation or another, hearsay that a particular starport in a particular political group is offering sanctuary or amnesty to criminals of that political group. It could all be procedurally generated stuff,


The Solar Federation boasts the largest, best organised and arguably the most powerful military in the galaxy. They have a standard carrier/cruiser hybrid capital ship which they believe fulfils all the required roles of a capital ship and they have standardised on this. Some of the smaller more distant members of the Federation may have the odd older capital vessel but these are scheduled for decommissioning (when congress stops nipping away at the military budget!)

There are rumours, though these get squashed as soon as they are found out, of a super carrier that has enough fire power to turn a small moon to rubble. Interestingly whenever these rumours are spoken there is always mention of another word: Nowathen.

Military name

"The Solar Federation Navy"

A matchlock rifle crossed over a Ship pulse cannon, with a large yellow sun behind them. In orbit around the background yellow star are sixteen simple six point stars epresenting the whole federation.

Police force?

Each system has its own police force with stations at each starport. There is standardisation of the police force across the whole federation – standards of training, secondments, job swaps, overseers to ensure that no matter what part of the federation you live in, you have access to the same security.

Like the military logo, but the matchlock and ship laser are replaced with a thin blue line.

Ship availability

There is no block on particular ships getting sold in the SF. However, ships with low kudos (such as the CNS ships) will be unattractive to shipyards and they'll want to sell them cheap to get rid of them. Probably around 80% of ships sold will be of Solar Federation origin.

Arts and Architecture

It is widely known than the Solar Federation is bogged down in its own bureaucracy – rules and standards for everything including buildings and construction. But where some may see this as a weakness, the architects see it as a strength. Their designs must adhere to the rigid rules, so this means that their creativity must be even more ingenious and subtle. A stranger arriving at earth may think every structure looks exactly alike, but a local will see and know the differences.
Art (in architecture and by itself) is prized and celebrated in the solar federation. It is the only thing that brings colour to structured and standardised living. Again subtlety is a common element in art seen across the Solar Federation.


By the time man reached for the stars, Earth was combined under two separate governments. The third world war, fought for control over dwindly resources, left the Earth controlled by the United Countries of the West (UCW) and the Asia Communist Party (ACP). For fears of ending civilisation completely the two groups to end war on Earth. But space was another matter entirely. The UCW already controlled the moon and had a tenuous grip on Mars. The ACP was at a distinct disadvantage, but they had more ambition and set their sights on IO and Titan. The moon and mars bases were bringing in steady raw materials allowing the UCW to set their sights further out. Epsilon Eridani was determined to have the best candidate planet for a human colony and in 2259 the first of the generation ships, the Earth's Pride was launched.

The ACP developed a technology to harness seismic movements and established a set of bases on IO to take advantage of its active interior. Instead of spreading its resources wide, the ACP focused on IO to rape the moon of all she could offer. This short sightedness was the beginning of the end of the ACP as a major volcanic eruption in 2281 wiped out the array of IO bases leaving the ACP crippled and weakened.

Haber Corporation, a planetwide corporation that had its finger in every pie on Earth saw this weakness and struck with hired forces. After a successful coup de'tat, Haber resumed power of the ACP territories and converted it to a corporate society. In parallel, Habers interests in the UCW created disquiet, brought in additional troops and also forced a coup. This united the planet for the first time in its history under a single, corporate rule. With the full power of the Moon, Mars and Titan bases, Haber saw all the stars and their wealth as its own. A massive diaspora occurred over a fifty year period, with generation ships heading out to several nearby systems to establish colonies. Those with enough money were able to buy ships to strike out on their own, including a group of australian environmentalists and the infamous self-titled king Tolan Oberon.

In this fifty year period at least 25 registered colony ships left earth. 17 made landfall in 12 different systems. The rest were never heard from again.

While Habor cast its eyes to the heavens, it forgot about the ground it was standing on, a tepid waste from the last war and not getting any better. The remaining people on earth continued to suffer on the ravaged earth while their leaders refused to spend a cent to clean it up.

Habor’s greed cost it. Fifty two years after taking control of the planet, Habor was throw out, its board killed or arrested, any surviving loyalists fleeing on the last colony ship to create a new corporate world. Earth fell into a mini dark ages, with anarchy prevalent across the globe. The infrastructure for government was in place, just no one knew what to do with it. While colonies sprouted on Epsilon Eridani, Arcturus, Tau Ceti, Sirius and more, Earth stagnated. Finally, after several decades Earth shook itself out of its slumber and created a united Solar Federation encompassing all the habitats of the solar system under a single leader. Manufacturing resumed, new bases were built, mining companies struck out further for materials, and with all of this came piracy. The military and police forces were bulked up to combat this growing piracy throughout the solar system. A radio signal was received from the Epsilon Eridani colony, named 'New Hope'. They were growing and establishing a manufacturing base. They had long term plans to act as a springboard for future colonies. the Solar Federation sent a return signal welcoming the colony to the Solar Federation and expected taxes. No message was received back.

In 2595 Henry Winkler blew up his laboratory while experimenting with accelerated space. After three more explosions he deduced he had found a way to access hyperspace but the influence of gravity resulted in unfortunate side effects. Further tests in low earth orbit confirmed his formulae and by the end of the millenia the technology had been commercialised. Suddenly all of the galaxy was accessible. Ships were sent to re-established contact with the generation ship colonies. The people's languages and nuances had changed over the centuries until they were almost a different race or nationality: like an american visiting australia for the first time.

As the Federation had military strength and the colonies did not, they were swept under into the fold as tributaries of the Solar Federation. Tax was paid, the navy divisions were posted for protection - of civilians and the tax collection.

Those dissatisfied with life on Earth found refuge in these lesser controlled colonies. New colonies were also settled, launched not just from Earth, but from the other 'old' colonies as they became known. The colony of New Hope, as the oldest and biggest attracted the ex-Earth dissenters. Populace moods changed, independence from the 'yoke of Earth' became part of the national identity. Radical groups were born, riots occured on a regular basis until finally in 2714 the government was overthrown, the local navy ships seized and the 'Free Republic' established.

After months of failed negotiations and discussions, the Federation sent in their third fleet and destroyed all resistance, and brought Epsilon Eridani back into the fold. The third fleet relocated to Ep-Er and established bases on the planet to maintain the peace.

Fortunately if there has been one lesson in history, its that a subjugated people never lay down to die. . .

The War for Hope as it became known was a gruesome affair that left the Solar Federation at an impass. After its defeat (more a shrug-shoulders-and-give-up-fighting than actual defeat) it fell into a stagnant state. The unpopularity of war saw the politicians abandon further attempts to attack the CIW, while also limiting military funding which slowed the rebuild progress. The top echelons of the military knew that the Solar Federation had to maintain the most powerful fleet in the galaxy so it turned to private companies to smarten up its approach. Maelstrom Avionics and Tempest Technologies, two of the leading military contractors of the time were given a wide scope to create the navy of the future, ships which were smarter and faster and more powerful yet took a fraction of the cost and time to build. It was a long-term project and mechanical engineering had a brief decade in the limelight as the career of choice. Ultimately budget cuts led to the programme being abandoned only half complete, yet the successful designs from this period continue on to this day in an evolved form.

The Solar Federation continues to be two faced to this day, expelling an aura of peace, prosperity and freedom of its citizens, yet at the highest levels conspring to bring all of humanity under its wing.

Short Description (Capital System)

'The birthplace of humankind. Solar Federation Capital' (Solar Federation, Tolan & Feudal Four Map) 'Historical system. Radioactive wastelands.' (CIW Map) 'First Corporate system. Resources largely tapped' (Haber Map)

Long Description

The original 'Old' World, Sol has been shaped by war, diaspora and corporate leadership and has left an equivalent mark on the human psyche. Although Earth is still the most populated planet in human space it has lost its beauty and few outdoor cities remain. Sol is little more than an administrative capital with little industry remaining, though Privateers still regularly scoop Jupiter for hydrogen. Most humans endeavour to make the pilgrimage to Sol once in their life, but it's the ageing Magma Riders of IO and Solar Collectors near Mercury that are the main tourism drawcards. Hydroponics on the moon provide a staple, if boring, food source.

Confederation of Independent Worlds

(eight systems, including 4 stage 1 colonies)

Member Systems

  • Epsilon Eridani (Captial)
  • Ross 128
  • Epsilon Indi

• AC+79…..

  • Lacaille 27729

Expansion Rules/Conditions

System of Origin: Epsilon Eridani

Expansion shape:

ellipsoidal away from Sol (to minimise the front they have to defend)


Aggressive. Eternal Vigilance is the call card of the CIW and they know that they need people, materials and money if they are keep their independence from the Solar Federation, so they expand to grow the people and the tax revenue they need.


Post War of Hope the policy is to create as many colonies as possible but only away from Sol. Anyone is welcome to join the Confederation with admission rules surprisingly lax. A dissatisfaction with Earth and a genuine interest in the freedom of all sentient beings . . . and a stable economy is all that is needed.

Systems interested in:

For Colonisation: Systems with earth-clone planets or anything close to it. They don't have the money and resources for underground habitats or terraforming. They need planets that are ready or almost ready to move straight onto.

For everything else: Empty systems are excellent for training grounds or secret experiments. Space stations created in the barycentre of empty system binary pairs are well protected and hidden and good for storing secret equipment, unknown shipyards, illegal cloning facilities, training systems, shipyards, etc.

Systems not interested in:

Systems with many rocky or gaseous worlds, worlds that the Solar federation would go after. This is a form of Chamberlein-esque Appeasement. If they didn't conflict with any of the Federations goals then they might stay that little bit further away from renewed war.

Technology Rating:

8 (on old elite scale): Can create basic space stations and do low level terraforming of suitable planets to be more friendly for human life. No full terraforming, limited Self contained habitats. Weapons are not available on the same scale as the federation but hyperdrives are.


There are those that saviour a hard earned righteous victory and there are those that believe the war is never over. Some divisions within the CIW believe they will never be safe until the Solar Federation is destroyed and some colonies will be established by these people with that militaristic mindset. Additionally, although the CIW boasts freedom and transparency, secret work is undertaken under the military to ensure an edge over the Solar Federation in the next war (i.e instead of brute force they'll use genius).


Communication Technology

The majority of all communication is as per the Solar Federation with government funded craft to relay messages and the media using their own ships and paying for visiting trader ship logs (if interesting). However a trial is underway to link the systems of Epsilon Eridani and Ross 128 via instantaneous transmission. No details are disclosed on the technology though it is widely assumed to harness quantum entanglement.


The military of the CIW is a conscription based forced that is a large part of the people's psyche. The Solar Federation are often highlighted as foes, historical and otherwise and it is the vigilance of the military which keeps them at bay.

Military name

The People's Freedom Militia. (Note that it is now a fully formed government navy, but the original name, dating back from the war, remains due its links with the past).

Military Logo

A rectangular standard divided into four squares. The top right has an image of a hand grasping a torch. The top left corner shows the Pritchard's Run space station surrounded by black space. The bottom left has a circle of simple stick figures holding hands. The bottom right shows a group of ships-of-the-line ready for battle. ("Freedom and Harmony, the values of the CIW, juxtaposed with military might and the location of the final military engagement which won the CIW its freedom.")

Police force?

All offensive/defensive funding is channelled into the military where it is (believed) to be needed. Policing is then done as part of one tours of duty, with specialist ships and facilities. This was seen by many as a win-win: Tax payers did not have to pay for two services when one could cover both, while the conscriptees saw policing as a chance to get real life practice in preparation for any real naval battles.

    If someone wanted to learn a lot about the CIW military without raising too many flags they could get certain agents in trouble with the law, repeatedly.  Learning the police systems would translate to solid intel against the military systems

Police logo

Same as the military logo.

Ship availability

Solar Federation ships don't sell well in CIW systems (i.e. no self-respecting ship yard would pay a fair value for a SolFed ship) so there aren't many available for re-sale. The odd independent and SolFed ship can be found but 95% of ships sold are CIW origin

Arts and Architecture

The systems of the CIW underwent a renaissance after victory in the war of hope. An almost giddy euphoria filled the worlds, akin to America in the 1920's (pre crash) and there was a dramatic rise in arts. It was liberal and spontaneous and gay and stereotyped the society of the day. Life calmed and so did the arts but this liberal art is still around and visible to this day, in the parks and playgrounds, in the CBD's of the cities, of the Customs facilities at the starports.

Architecture and arts are closely linked in the CIW. Buildings were seen as canvasses to mold and many old rules were thrown out the window (so to speak) There are few historical buildings dating from this time (or before the war) but they hold a special place in the collective heart of the people.


The seed of the confederation of independent Worlds was laid in 2715 when the Solar Federation's navy brutually crushed the Free republic independence with orbital bombardment of both city and captured military base alike. A puppet government was established, but within the corridors of this manchurian state the dream of independence lived on. The lesson had been learnt however: freedom had to be earnt, through blood, and tears, and eternal vigilance.

While the military kept a steel gauntlet pressed on New Hope, peripheral bases in the Epsilon Eridani began to evolve in secret. Small scale shipyards popped up producing 'commercial' units that were armed with weaponry smuggled in from neighbouring colonies. The collusion grew and Ross 128, another tributary but one watched far less vigorously, became a critical member of the Independent Alliance.

Cregar Phillips of New Hope and Miles Antwerp of the Schuster Colony in Ross 128, leaders of this new Alliance, knew that to create a force strong enough to oppose the Solar Federation would require absolute secrecy and constant vigilance. Slowly their work began to yield results. Youth camps were used to disguise soldier training; the shipyards produced ships designed for commerce but armed and armoured, other colonies began to lend support, weapons, ships, personnel. Pilot training occured deep in the oort cloud away from Federation sensors.

Finally in 2723 with ships, men (and women), patriotism and the unofficial support of six solar systems, Cregar Phillips initiated the War for Hope. He broadcast throughout the Epsilon Eridani system (and ships were on standby to deliver the message to other systems) a reading from George Washington's 1776 Declaration of Independence. He then went on to add that Epsilon Eridani would follow in their forebearers steps and no longer live under the gauntlet of Federation oppression and they would fight and give their lives for their freedom. At the same time his green but eager forces attacked the Federation's third fleet at its various bases throughout the system. This was to start two years of bloody warfare that would end with both sides on the ropes licking their wounds. This stalemate resulted in the formation of the Confederation of Independent Worlds.

The most famous of all the naval battles was the Battle of Pritchard's Run, a large space station at the centre of a solar collector array. The Solar Federation had sent all there forces to Epsilon Eridani to finally crush all resistance and end the war quickly, as there was public unhappiness with the war back home. The Solar Fleet outnumbered the Ep-Er home fleet three to one. The home fleet had also just fought off the Solar fourth fleet and was still licking its wounds. It was battered, bruised, morale was low and those ships still in one piece still needed repair. When the combined 1st and 2nd Solar Fleets hyperjumped into Epsilon Eridani, those battered remnants were all that stood in their way. Rear Admiral Deacon, the last remaining Admiral yet also their most successful rallied his men, reminded them of the orbital bombardments of history, that they were all that was left and it was their job to stop the deaths of their families down on New Hope. More through sheer desperation and a belief in fighting for something greater than themselves than brilliant strategy the Home fleet fought convincingly but ultimately the odds were too high. They took as many Solar ships down as they could but after a marathon battle the Rear Admiral's flagship was the last ship remaining. As he ordered a suicide charge at his opposite's ship, the long promised but never forthecoming reinforcements from Lacaille 27729 finally arrived. With fresh ships and even fresher personnel, the new ships wrestled the tide of the battle back toward the CIW and the battle was won.

There was never any official cessation of hostilities. Rather the Solar Federation ran out of ships, the public ran out of patience and the war was abandoned. CIW was left to lick its wounds, crippled in victory. Rebuilding of defences was always paramount as no one could know if the Solar Federation would come back. They did not want to be caught again so an aggressive policy of expansion was enforced, with new colonies being created at a rate faster than ever before in human history. They did not bother with dead worlds, rather focusing on human-habitable planets that they could immediately settle and begin creating weapons of war and babies (to grow up and use said weapons of war). Military conscription was mandatory for all able bodied citizens aged 18-24. The CIW navy grew with every passing month, but it could not keep pace with the rebuilding of the Solar Navy. Attention then went to fixed defences - orbital defence platforms, research into planetary shielding, rocket arrays.

Although this aggressive expansion policy would produce results in later centuries, it wouldn't help protect a currently vulnerable CIW. Diplomats were sent to neighbouring independent colonies, asking, bartering and bribing to get them to join the CIW. Some, fearful of the Federation's aggression, agreed to join. Others limited involvement to trade and resource agreements. Most were not prepared to surrender their independence however and shunned the CIW.

    Diplomats continue to travel out of the CIW, some officially with escorts, some by themselves, and some incognito.  If they were discovered (an upgraded ship scanner which can sense if the ship is diplomatic or not) in transit, shot down and their escape capsule scooped up, it is very likely the Sol Fed would pay good money for them.

The feared second galactic war never materialised, but the nightmare scenario of a mega-Federation fleet over the capital city of Hope eventuated in 3012. Meredith Pell, a trade ambassador from Tau Ceti had organised a visit to Hope to discuss the mutual benefits of trade. She had also insisted on certain dates for her trip so she could watch the 'Great Race', a ten thousand kilometre Formula Null endurance race. While she made a lot of noise at the track, her body guards were being awfully quiet at the parliament buildings. They were caught by police (Marines on their domestic tour) in the Chancellors office. Meredith was immediately arrested along with her entire entourage. The Solar Federation sent lawyers and mediators but when communication broke down the Federation returned to its roots and sent a naval taskforce. The CIW navy were able to match the taskforce ship-for-ship so the Federation sent more ships. This show of strength began to spiral out of control with ships clotting the sky above Hope. Heat buildup from the ships singed the air around Hope. All commercial traffic ground to a halt. The city held its communal breath as everyone waited for something to break the stalemate.

There is no official record of what broke the stalemate. The Federation fleet returned to Earth; there was no further mention of Ambassador Pell (by all accounts she disappeared from her cell) and both governments cracked down on media input and speculation.

Unusually, famed explorer Greg Tavern, of Tavern's World fame, was spotted in the Epsilon Eridani system on the day of the stalemate broke, yet was spotted back on the frontier in the days before and after.

    There are sightings of Greg every now and again and this is the kind of information shared at the taverns/inns and pilot logs (gossip).  If you do happen to stumble upon Greg then you may just be entering a whole new world of galactic politics:

Did he break Pell out of prison and return her to the Federation?  If you get involved will either or both government groups put out a bounty for your head? Is it some big conspiracy that will send you spiralling down a path to your destruction or salvation?

Spies became the buzzword for the next century as both governments scaled up intelligence operations against each other. Spies were caught and neutralised or exchanged on both sides but nothing was ever made public about these dealings

     A way to keep these transfers quiet would be to use a freelancer (one who didn't have a drinking problem or a loose tongue).  That way no official  transport and records would need to be kept.  As time passed and the tension of the 'cold war' fizzled to absolute zero temperatures and the power of other groups began to rise, both the CIW and Federation spread their resources across all of colonised space (and even worked together in 3087 against a plot by Haber Corp to bring the two back to war – allowing Haber to enact its own plans for Earth).

Today, the government of the CIW is a juxtaposition of opposites: on one side it is a free and liberal society with free trade, media and speech and no illegal commodities. On the other side it is wary of the Solar federation to a point of almost paranoia and this has become a permanent stain on the 'national' psyche. Those speaking with the homogenous accent of the Solar federation will likely be shunned in the major centres and shot at in the more rural areas.

Short Description

'Capital of the Confederation. Industrial world with indigenous life.' (CIW Maps)

'Excised Old Earth Colony. Bohemian Populace.' (Sol Fed Maps)

Long Description

Epsilon Eridani was the first star system beyond Sol to be colonised by humanity. The New Hope colony on the planet of the same name was founded in 2279. Mass emigration from Earth in the 27th century drove a population explosion which ultimately let to Epsilon Eridani declaring its freedom against the Solar Federation in 2714. After eight years, one failed coup and numerous hard fought battles, freedom was secured at the Battle of Pritchard's Run and the Confederation of Independent Worlds was born. Today, Epsilon Eridani is a thriving centre of industry with relaxed trade laws and has one of the largest population of all inhabited systems.

Haber Corporation

    • Five closely knit solar systems under corporate rule. Borders are tightly enforced.

Member Systems






•Keyneiasm (System Destroyed)

Expansion Rules/Conditions

System of Origin: Haber

Expansion shape:



When Haber was the corporation's only system the mood was forceful and focused. Once it reached six systems it began pushing against the boundaries of the Solar Federation and various independent colonies. Continued growth would lead to conflict which Haber did not have the infrastructure for (yet) so expansion stopped and it looked at internal growth.

Systems interested in:

Earth (Sol). Haber's obsession with its old system is one of its key driving forces. Anything with raw material, preferably those with lots of gas giants and mineral rich rocky planets.

Systems not interested in:

Not so interested in oxygen worlds. Not interested in good living conditions for their people, they just want productivity.



Technology Rating:

9 (on old elite scale): The Haber Corporation is good at what it does and struggles with what it doesn't. Military technology is below par but commercial technology, including mining equipment, is some of the best in the galaxy. Although the Corporation has no terra forming technology it is skilled in Geo Engineering (to combat environmental damage).


A corporation as large as Haber will have thousands of different faces, and of those is its communications division. (Which through various means is the major stakeholder in the independent company Rapier Technologies whose communication infrastructures are appearing all over the galaxy).

Communication had been limited to lightspeed since the inception of the radio and although the CIW was experimenting with quantum entanglement – a fools errand at best – Haber had concentrated its research into communication bridging shuntspace allowing fast, though not instantaneous communication. Haber is very secretive about the technology – to the point that its actual existence is questioned.

  Still if someone were able to find a relay or other part of this technology and take a photo, there would be people willing to pay substantially for it.

Communication Technology

See above


Corporate space is patrolled by a combined military/police force that both controls its citizens and protects its borders. Although the range of ships (fighters to capital class cruisers) is wide, the quality of their build is low. Military morale is low, reduced further by poor training and poor hazard pay. There are continual maintenance problems and the last time Haber Corp went to battle it got beaten despite having the overwhelming odds.

Military name

Haber Defence Authority (H.D.A)

Military Logo

Circle. A black clenched fist before a series of high rise buildings. Below the fist are the words: "servo nostrum contraho" – "protect our assets"

Police force?

See above

Police logo

See above

Ship availability

Anything goes. Although no one would admit it, the superior ship technology of other systems fetches a high price. Corporate designed ships are cheap to buy but have high maintenance costs and do not excel at…anything.

   Corporate shipyards are one of the few in the galaxy that don't have rules surrounding ship refurbishment:  when a ship is traded in it can be resold in its current condition, without having to be repaired to a 'as-new' condition.

Arts and Architecture

Architecture: stark, functional, bland. Pigment is a wasted expense, windows, unless absolutely needed, are a wasted expense. Everything is geared toward maximising profit and minimising overheads and capital cost.

There is little downtime on corporate worlds and there is little natural beauty left to inspire painting. The acidic rain and parched atmosphere damage inks and paper. Music and song and storytelling are prevalent however and the bards are a common sight in Corporate taverns.


As the people of earth rose up against the rule of Haber Corp, the surviving leaders, their mercenaries and as many workers as they could kidnap set off in the last of the generation ships being commissioned. They launched just as previously-haber-controlled weapons were targeted against them. The ship survived and escaped the system. After many years they found a sextuple system filled with ore laden asteroids and planetoids and a single earth-clone planet. They landed and named the planet Haber 1. The exiled leaders immediately set about re-creating what had been lost. With no environmental laws, no other interests and a people with no choice but to follow instruction, the Haber Corporation rebuilt and slowly spread throughout the solar system.

Every town was a company town; every planet was a company planet. Quietly and quickly every nook and cranny of the Haber system filled with ore processing plants, smelters, manufacturing facilities and overworked and underpaid workers living in squallid conditions. It wasn't for another five hundred years when hyperspace equipped ships broke the Haber borders for the first time that thought had to go to the wider galaxy: They weren't alone and others would come. Fictitious convictions were placed on visitors to increase the working populace.

The Haber Control Force – the police force – quickly reformed to include naval capacity. The newly minted Haber Defence Authority began a programme of expansion so it could protect Haber's borders. At the same time the shuntdrives of the first visitors (now enjoying excellent conditions in the deepest spice mines) were reverse engineered (poorly) and all matter of ships were fitted with the new engine. Settlement ships launched at all the surrounding solar systems, hoping to claim as much space as possible. But Haber had started the space race late and found many systems they entered already colonised. To protect its new colonies the H.D.A was despatched to 'remove' the existing colonies from rightfully Haber territories.

Word of Haber's atrocities came to light in the Solar Federation, who sent a fleet to ascertain exact details. Although no fighting eventuated, tensions were tight on both sides and negotiations resulted in the Haber Accord, where the corporation agreed to halt all expansion into space, retaining its current six systems. Haber agreed to the accord. . . until perhaps one day when they were strong enough to defeat the Solar Federation.

That day came at the end of the War for Hope. Haber had been building military power, the primary focus of which was invasion and the re-capture of Earth. When the Solar Federation lost its last fleet to the rag-tag CIW, Haber seized the opportunity and struck.

Although initially effective, Haber's military proved inept with unmotivated officers with little training, regimented (corporate thinking) and recalcitrant cheap equipment. The Solar Federation, still under a war economy, were able to fall back in a war of attrition then rebuild and counterattack. The Solar Federation had not learnt it's lessons of the CIW debacle yet and when they gained the ascendency they invaded the closest Haber system, Keyneiasm and completely destroyed every trace of human habitation. Keyneiasm was reduced to a ghost system and Haber yielded. They signed a new agreement to retain their now five systems and to pay substantial reparations.

Embarrassed but still in one piece (mostly), Haber Corporation realised that they could never match the Solar Federation with naval might. Instead, Haber turned to other means to win back their prized planet, Earth. Haber had money and it found that there were many individuals in the galaxy, privateers among them, that were happy to do pretty much anything for a price.

Today a state of unease continues around the untrustworthiness of Haber, while those at Haber hold onto their anger at the embarrassment of defeat and dream of the day when the Solar Federation can be toppled. Otherwise they continue along in their own corner of space doing what they have always done. Working conditions are poor and people begin their working life at the age of 8 and continue until they die. Few if any people earn enough to buy their freedom and acquire transport out of the system. With the lack of environmental controls throughout Haber space, fresh food, liquid water and other necessities of life fetch a high price. Any privateer wishing to land at a Haber Corp starport must verify they have foodstuffs in their cargo bay.

Short Description (Capital System)

'Centre of Corporate Space. Heavy Mining and Industry' (Sol Fed Map)

'Corporate Headquarters. Massive environment damage.' (CIW Map)

'Ruling seat of Haber Corporation. Extensive Geo-Engineering.' (Haber Map)

Long Description (Capital System)

The remnants of Haber Corp that fled Earth arrived here in 2415 and immediately began recreating what they had lost.

With no environmental laws the Haber corporation quickly rebuilt and spread throughout the surrounding systems, mining planets bare and leaving pollution in its wake. Haber attempted to destroy the Solar Federation after the War for Hope was lost, but were quickly routed by highly trained Earth forces. The Haber Accord of 2789 enforced a maximum of five corporate systems. Today, Haber continues to be a big supplier of raw materials and finished goods. Working conditions are poor and foodstuffs and water are precious commodoties. Any privateer wishing to land at a Haber Corp starport must verify they have foodstuffs in their cargo bay before landing.

Tolan Kingdom

* A single system under totalitarian monarchy rule with a dynasty stretching back six hundred years*

Member Systems


Expansion Rules/Conditions

System of Origin:


Expansion shape:

No Expansion




Borders are guarded jealousy. traders are allowed from outside but are to have minimum contact with locals. To leave the starport and enter a city requires significant paperwork. Anyone caught landing anywhere but the starport will be shot down on sight.

Systems interested in:


Systems not interested in:


Specials: N/A

Technology Rating:

5 (on old elite scale): Mainly an agrarian society but enough know how to populate the entire system with bases, outposts, trading stations etc. A very full system! By the time hyperdrive capable ships arrived at Tolan, the entire system was already filled with ships and bases so the introduction of this technology had no immediate impact on the kingdom.


Communication Technology

Communication is conducted over standard electromagnetic means and is limited to the speed of light. This allows relatively quick communication across the system.


When Tolan was first inhabited, history started with a clean slate. There was the Tolan Kingdom, period. The concept of other human beings out in the galaxy was whispered from place to place but little stock held in it. The origins of how the society actually arrived in the Tolan system became buried in the murky depths of time.

This society therefore lived without expectation of enemies or visitors of any kind entering their space. Thus a military was superfluous. Once visitors arrived, everything changed (including society's understanding of its position in the universe). The Royal Navy was created using senior police figures to implement a sudden and rapid expansion of forces. Both the Navy and Police were weakened during this crossover but the highly disciplined police officers instilled a similar rigour to the new military. Although this new navy was small, relative to other navies, its morale, dedication, discipline and training made it a respected force in the galaxy.

Zealous of protecting his borders, Oligath Tolan X, the current monarch of the time, knew that attack was often the best defense and with such small resources to draw from, their forces had to be smarter than any aggressor that come their way. He decreed that the navy would become skilled in offensive 'insertion and disruption' – commando action. This upskilling is maintained to this day through rigorous drills. Two derelict Solar Federation cruisers were towed into orbit around Guernsey and fitted out for insertion combat drills.

Military name

Tolan Royal Navy

Military Logo

The Royal Navy flies a 'red ensign' that is a white St George cross with a red background. The Tolan crest fills the canton. The Tolan Crest is a heater shield with a row of red embossed fleur-de-lise down the centre line of the shield.

Police force?

The Royal Police

Police logo

There are several police divisions through the Tolan system and each division has its own special crest. This crest sits upon a red square to form the logo for that police division.

Ship availability

The Tolan system has no interest in events outside of its own realm, but visitors still arrive from time to time. They are tolerated…just but very few decide to trade ships as Tolan ships are not hyperdrive equipped. Thus 99% of ships available in the Tolan system are inter-system ships locally designed and built.

It should be noted that the Royal Navy is equipped with hypedrives, as they may be required to take the war to the enemy.

Engineering skill has always been short in the Tolan kingdom as few engineers were part of the original expedition. Knowledge did not increase with time, but plateaued or even backwards with time. Designs are based on 'what worked before'. Ships look the same way they did a millennia ago and although numerous, their bases, stations and ships are all old technology with little to no improvements over the eons. What changes have occurred is through the influence of visitors to the Tolan system. A notable example was John Harper, a mechanical engineer who in a search for peace and serenity retired to Home, the main planet in the Tolan system. Instead of retiring however his frustration at the lack of engineering pulled him back into the work force and he almost single-handed dragged the Tolan Kingdom out of the 'stone age'

Arts and Architecture

The people of the Tolan Kingdom are generally content. There is a low population density and sufficient technology to make the agrarian society enjoyable. There is the annual arts and crafts fair at the city of Aurian which attracts artists, actors and writers from across the system.

     There is a lot of preparation involved in this fair and its infamy reaches beyond the Tolan Kingdom.  Interested parties will pay good money to hitch a ride to Tolan for the event.

Architecture is simple and low lying. There is insufficient engineering skill in Tolan to design and build the mega towers seen closer to Earth, but there isn't any need for such towers either. Concrete is used where necessary but the main building material is wood. Although the originally settlers brought various tree seedlings with them, it’s the local 'Duro' wood that is commonly used due to its strength and hardness.


Tolan Oberon colonised the system in 2337 and he and his descendants have ruled since that time. When explorers first entered the system in 2612 they found a simple society that had spread through the system. When these explorers made landfall and introduced themselves to the King there was civil unrest. The idea of other societies existing out amongst the stars was almost anathema to the people. This initial excitement cooled considerably after contact was made with official ambassadors from Earth, the long forgotten home planet. The simple Tolan people found the Solar Federation people to be brusque, arrogant and too fast paced (just too much going on 'upstairs'). Visitors were treated poorly and given no quarter or trade. Ambassadors were treated icily or refused audiences and within two decades the rest of the Galaxy decided to leave Tolan to its self.

Although official interest had stopped, the odd explorer or freelancer would still drop by. Strict rules were put in place for all visitors but the quality of their treatment increased as their numbers decreased.

On learning of the Tolan Kingdom and its simple society, Haber Corp immediately sent mineral prospectors to ascertain the available resources. (A simple society meant an easily subjugated society). The prospectors found a mining consortium (The Royal Miners) spread throughout the system. Working in secret the prospectors were unable to find any untapped mineral veins or lodes. The resources that were currently being extracted were promising enough for Haber to send a taskforce to take control of the system. Unfortunately for Haber, The Tolan Kingdom had begun a rapid development of its navy and its small but disciplined forces were able to repel Haber who quickly lost interest.

The events of the galaxy passed Tolan by with barely a raised eyebrow. Tolan was mostly left alone by the Galactic powers and Tolan didn't get involved in galactic events.

System Short Description:

'Tolan Kingdom. Terraformed world with introduced life. Isolationist'

System Long Description:

Little is known about the history of the Tolan Kingdom System. Colonised in 2305 by the Generation ship "Tolan", Oberon Tolan and his descendents have ruled for over six centuries. The Royal Union of Miners is the most efficient mining company in the galaxy and have mined the Tolan System dry. Despite rumours of illegal mining outside the Tolan Kingdom, the official line continues to be of 'Splendid Isolation'. They have a strong police force and most activities are illegal. Traders from outside are welcome, but only at the designated starports. Entering the cities or landing anywhere but the starports without the correct documentation carries the death sentence.

The Feudal Four

Four solar systems completely independent in society yet linked by four ruling vassals who swear fealty to a single leader.

Member Systems

• Vega

• ?

• ?

• ?

Expansion Rules/Conditions

System of Origin:


Expansion shape:





The Feudal four have no policy on expansion. In fact they have to policies at all except as required by the leader in the times he has to call on his vassals (for war, etc). This group has no desire to add more members, nor will it turn anyone away. If a system is happy to swear fealty to the leader then they can join the Feudal group. Each of the four systems are completely separate in terms of society (feudalism aside) and there is little cooperation between the systems except in times of war or disaster or whenever the leader needs to call on all the labour forces at his disposal.

Systems interested in:


Systems not interested in:


Specials: N/A


Technology Rating:

5 (on old elite scale – averaged). There are two agricultural and two industrial systems in the Feudal four and they trade amongst themselves to balance their needs. The agricultural systems use combine harvesting and other low tech means to farm while the industrial systems are on par with Haber Corp in terms of quality of build and spread of technology. When the four are called to war the industrial systems usually help equip their agrarian comrades, but this can often lead to dangerous results.


Communication Technology

Communication is through independent trader ships that move back and forth between the four systems. Outside information is only garnered through outside traders coming in. There is no information bureau, no spies, no embassies. The Feudal four only care about themselves. If war is coming to them, they will hear about it soon enough and prepare. Otherwise the galaxy can do what it wants. The FF are more than happy to trade with outsiders and appreciates outside influences to maintain trends and modernisation. This is not an isolationist group, just an apathetic one.

There are specialist ship used for communication when the leader is calling together his vassals. These ships are kept on standby (one for each fiefdom/vassal) in case they are needed.


The Four have individual ships, soldiers, weapons which are amalgamated under a single banner in times of war. Under peacetime condition there is no organised military, with each systems resources being used for internal policing.

Military name

There are various names for the amalgamated force which the four uses for military actions. The 'Funny Forces of the Four' is a derogatory name earned due to the mismatched forces that it can organise. Internally, 'The war party' is the primary term used.

Military Logo

This is the personal crest of the leader.

Police force?

Policing is done by the military forces of each system in times of peace. In times of war there is no police force, but all able bodied citizens are called up for war duty so there isn't many people left to perform crimes.

Police logo

The crest of each individual system

Ship availability

There are no shipyards in the feudal four and no specific designs in place. All ships are imported, the exact location is unknown an irrelevant – ships of all types and origins can be found here. Due to this dependent on imported ships, there are several repair yards which are renowned for their ability to keep ships running.

Arts and Architecture

There is little time for arts on the agricultural world (painting, etc) but society as it is is based around the manor (manorialism) and music is a large part of life. The Industrial worlds see no benefit from arts in general. It is not a dreary life however, the worlds are full of colour and nature reserves. There are just other things to do.


Vega started life as a multi-government independent colony, with six city states spread across the major continent of the only inhabitable planet. The planet, Dedication, was tidally locked to Vega and this resulted in a narrow band of comfortable living space. Each of the six city states had their own mini climate with Benduin, nearest the equator, existing on the edge of the Continental Wastes, up to Starkness on the northern permafrost.

Nathanial Crest, Governor of Starkness was the leader of a bitter people, bitter at the warmth experienced by the other colonies and bitter at their apparent material wealth. Crest believed he had as much right to this wealth as any other citizen of Vega and after discussions and requests got him nowhere, he attacked. With minimal fuss he captured Tentress, the central most colony, but he did not sack the city. Instead he fought with stun guns and restraint. The people could not continue to create wealth for him if they were dead or angry. The Governor of Tentress was given the choice: To swear fealty to Crest or to be ousted and have his city run by Crest's own Manchurian candidate. The Governor agreed and Crest had his first vassal.

Pleased with the ease of his progress, Nathanial warred against another two colonies and won in a similar manner. The final three city states swore fealty before Nathanial could launch another attack and Crest controlled the whole planet.

Crest was a hands off leader, letting his vassals run their own states as if they were his own, only getting involved around disputes, taxation for his military and the even distribution of resources. The Crest family remained in power throughout the centuries, not because of an iron fist but because he was generally popular and looked after his vassals. His leadership didn't have an effect on day to day living and when needed he was there.

The Crest Dominion remained stable for one hundred and seventy years until two neighbouring colonies went to war. One of the colonies asked Vega for assistance. Brandon Crest was happy enough to oblige, if the colony swore fealty, which it did. Together the two systems crushed the third. The leader of the vanquished colony was given a choice: Sign an accord of eternal peace and pay drastic reparations, or swear fealty to Crest and join his growing Dominion. The leader bent the knee willingly and Crest set around establishing trade systems to help them rebuild.

The feudal group numbered three and remained that way for forty years until a volcanic eruption on a neighbouring system. The small colony was nearly destroyed with thousands killed, shelter, equipment and food wiped out and the means to save themselves buried under lahars. An SOS was sent to the Solar Federation for assistance. While the Sol Fed organised a relief fleet to 'take care of the system – i.e bring back stability and bring the colony into the Sol Fed fold', Beta Hydri, a colony which had first hand experience in being swept into the Sol Fed fold, sent a delegate to the beleaguered world. There the delegate convinced the governor of ruined colony that Sol Fed help would be too costly, that it was a question of whether they die today from the volcano, or die later from Sol Fed taxation.

Convinced, the leader contacted the Crest Dominion and asked for quick assistance, informing them a Sol Fed fleet was on its way. Ageing Brandon Crest again offered help in exchange for fealty, which was readily given. He called on his vassals and sent his entire military might to the system. They arrived just in time to set up a perimeter and halt the Sol Fed fleet.

The two fleets faced off for several tense day. After the commander of the Sol Fed fleet warned his Crest counterpart Tobias Bucksheel that 'The Solar Federation would make a powerful enemy', Bucksheel then famously replied "Invading sovereign land makes you our enemy. We'll see who outlasts who out here on the fringe."

The Sol Fed fleet turned back for Earth (but not for the last time) and the Crest Dominion grew four strong to became the 'Feudal Four'.

System Short Description (origin system):

'Blue Giant Star. Seat of the feudal leader. Industrial world with nature reserves.'

System Long Description:

Internal struggles saw the various Vega Colonies come under single rule by 2845. When two neighbouring systems went to war, Vega helped one to defeat the other and both ended swearing fealty to Vega. In 2913 a fourth system, plagued by natural disasters, swore fealty in exchange for assistance. Vega is a mix of industrial and agrarian city states who all operate independently unless their fealty is called upon. The supreme leader, the descendent of Nathanial Crest, is name and age unknown, but rumours persist of ancient cloning technologies. He is never seen in public but often calls his vassals to council.

Independent Worlds

    • These worlds are on the fringe of inhabited space and do not swear allegiance to any other power. There is no communication or cooperation between these worlds other than through trade and the occasional mutual benefit pact. Few independent systems can afford their own navy but they all have a militia of some sort to protect their citizens from pirate clans and other independent militias.

Member worlds

• Some Anarchic Systems, various examples of places you don't want to go and places crazy people love to go.

• A communist star system with several soviets (colonies) within. All ownership is by the state and wealth is distributed evenly. A conglomerate of older Sol Fed and CIW ships are used as a navy. Although touted as the saviour of their way of life, this navy has never been called into action.

• A solar system devoted entirely to banking. Its systems are the best in the galaxy and even the Solar Federation had used its services from time to time. There is scope here for player interaction with fund transfer, protection of assets, etc.

• A system with an abundance of semi conductors and rare earths good for optical computing. It is like a futuristic Silicon Valley. The advanced electrical systems it produces are so integral to civilised life the galaxy over that its freedom (from Sol Fed cloak and dagger take overs, Haber influence) is pretty much guaranteed.

• A frozen world (the people have adapted to the cold temperatures and keep to themselves, the body heat of off worlders is offputting to them and they are self-sufficient anyway). These people do not fare well on commercial transport and have little interaction in the goings-on in the galaxy.

• An AI civilisation

• That missing generation ship and its spawn

• Giliese 866

o Short Description: "Heavy mining. Disorder"

o Long description: " Gliese 866 is the perfect example of what can go wrong when greed is allowed to outweigh laws and regulations. A small mining installation found a mineral vein of what is now known as Kapnan, the main component of anti hyperspace-sickness medicine. The demand for Kapnan grew to such an extent that hundreds of mining companies arrived and began mining without the proper paperwork and services. Akin to the goldrushes of old, people young and old flocked to Gliese 866 to find their fortune, followed by the criminals and pirates. This melting pot of humanity and greed finally exploded in 3065 when the largest mine near Shih town exploded. Blame was thrown about, mining companies formed alliances, the more dubious with the criminal organisations, and armed skirmishes turned to system-wide anarchy. The Solar Federation, keen to secure its supply of Kapnan, tried to assert control but its navy was ill-equiped to enforce control without damaging the infrastructure. An uneasy peace existed until 3071 when Kapnan was discovered in another system. The Solar Federation promptly left, leaving the locals to their own devices. Despite the unrest Kapnan is still mined and sold to other independent systems."


o Short Description: "Old World. Renowned Shipyards."

o Long Description: "The planet of Melendez's Claim was colonised in 3221 and humanity quickly spread across the globe. The abundant wildlife was bred for meat and as draft animals and a simple argricultural society took hold. Colonies spread through the system without a central government to control laws. As each colony sought its own direction, inter-system trade began and the Sigma Draconis system becase a microcosm of humanity. Pollution from the Colony of Walterville began to affect the other colonies and after communication broke down, war resulted in the loss of several million colonists. By the time the Solar Federation Navy arrived with hyperspace powered ships the system was in a state of anarchy. Strict enforced rule was welcomed and the system was united under a single governor. Now Sigma Draconis is a rich, highly populated system whose claim to fame are Maelstrom Avionic shipyards which produce The Solar Federation Navies Juggernaut class and several Privateer class ships. "

• Kapteyn's Star (actually Sol Fed but listed here as a separated developed system)

o Short Description:"Thriving Outdoor World. Tourism."

o Long Description: "The slightly lower than standard gravity makes the searing heat of Harris Colony almost bearable to visitors. While the large cities bring a level of sophistication and comfort to the planet, the surrounding jungles are hot and humid and are filled with carnivorous predators. The jungles are divided into separate 'Ranges', some for the protection of species, some for hunting and sport. The annual hunt at Hendrixville draws punters from around the galaxy for a chance to win a lifetime of free hunts. As Harris Colony is completely given over to toursim there is little industry and most human comforts must be imported."

• Gliese 406

o Short description: "Mining and Fabrication."

o Long description: "Like many systems first explored after the advent of Hyperspace, Gliese 486 is predominantly mining and industry. The abundance of raw materials on Rose's Claim convinced Maelstrom Avionics to build a factory near Berger Town which employs nearly half the population. Acevedo Base is a renown hangout for racers and other misspent youth, which makes docking difficult, but a proposed bylaw will attempt to increase safety around the station."

•everything else!

Expansion Rules/Conditions

System of Origin:

Several points of origin

Expansion shape:

String, to connect all the origin systems


casual, laidback, slow


Colonisation is a result of individual missions, people wishing to strike out on their own. No government controls of affects the decisions of these individuals.

Systems interested in:

Anything. Those that live on the edge of known space are a hard bunch and they'll take what they can get.

Systems not interested in:



Communists, Religious Groups, Feudal Societies, Multi Governments, Anarchists

Technology Rating:

Varies. Average rating of 3. The fringe is generally a poor area. High technology equipment can be purchased from the core (if you can afford it) but there is little local "know-how" at the high end of technology.


This is the individual stories of all the colonies out there. Everyone is different. The player will have to visit them and learn for himself.