- See UV coordinates in Blender for how to draw your UV coordinates
- See Model system for how to apply your texture to your game model
- png format
- Total ships assets should be no more than 10 MB
- Pick dimensions that are powers of 2. 1024 x 1024 is a safe bet for average sized models
- They do not have to be square, rectangles are fine
- Set compression to maximum
- Remove alpha channel if you aren't using it to speed up rendering
- Disable interlacing
- A texture should cover the whole model where possible, rather than using separate textures for each mesh. Except...
- If you are using an alpha channel for transparency, make that part into a separate mesh and texture. See Transparency
- Use separate textures for diffuse, specular and glow (only diffuse is mandatory)
Recommended free software
- GIMP - raster drawing editor. Along the lines of Photoshop
- Krita - an alternative raster drawer. Often recommended for its brush system.
- Inkscape - vector drawing. If you want to draw geometric shapes, instead of freehand lines and paint smudges, you're looking for vector
- LibreCAD - 2D technical drawing package, useful for quickly sketching outlines
- See Licensing for discussion of which materials you can use
- For simplicity, just pick anything available under CC-BY-SA-3.0, CC-BYv3, PD or CC0.
License compatible
Links to resources with textures which are license compatible for inclusion with the core game.
- http://opengameart.org/textures/all
- http://www.burningwell.org/gallery2/v/textures/
- http://freegamedev.net/wiki/Free_resources
- http://www.public-domain-image.com/textures-and-patterns-public-domain-images-pictures/
- http://www.publicdomainpictures.net/ - some Public Domain, not all
- http://www.imageafter.com/
- http://www.photos-public-domain.com/category/textures-other/
License incompatible
Textures that are still free to use, but are not suitable for inclusion with the core game.