The list and amount of compatible equipment for the ship.

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Each ship has a list of compatible equipment, and the amount the ship can carry of it. If any of these are left out from the slots in a ship.json, then it falls back to the default value of the slot.


"slots" : {
   "atmo_shield": 0,
   "cargo" : 1500m
   "scoop" : 2,
   "laser_front" : 1,
   "laser_rear" : 0,
   "missile" : 0

List of available cargo:

Slot Default value Valid values Description
cargo 0 0 or above Cargo capacity of the ship.
engine 1 0 or 1 Hyperdrive mount (wether the ship can mount a hyperdrive).
laser_front 1 0 or 1 Front cannon mount.
laser_rear 0 0 or 1 rear cannon mount.
missile 0 0 or above Number of missiles
ecm 1 0 or 1 ECM mount.
scanner 1 0 or 1 Radar mount.
radar 1 0 or 1 Target analyzer mount.
hypercloud 1 0 or 1 Hypercloud analyzer mount.
hull_autorepair 1 0 or 1 Hull autorepair system.
energy_booster 1 0 or 1 Shield energy booster mount.
atmo_shield 1 0 or 1. 0 makes the ship available to buy only on orbital stations. Atmospheric shielding mount.
cabin 50 0 or above Number of passenger cabin slots.
shield 9999 0 or above Number of shield slots. More shield means more protection
scoop 2 0 or 2 Cargo and fuel scoop mount. 0: no mount, 1: either one of cargo or fuel scoop or multiscoop, 2: one both types, or one multiscoop.
laser_cooler 1 0 or 1 Laser cooling booster mount. 0 or 1.
cargo_life_support 1 0 or 1 Cargo bay life support mount. 0 or 1. No life support kills live cargo (live animals turn into meat, slaves turn into fertilizer)
autopilot 1 0 or 1 Autopilot slot. 0 or 1.
trade_analyzer 1 0 or 1 Trade analyzer mount. 0 or 1.
sensor 1 0 or 1 Body scanner mount. 0 or 1.