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Storeria - Medium freighter Ship class medium freighter.png
File:Storeria silhouette.png
Manufacturer OPLI-Barnard Inc.
Ship statistics
Price 1,219,170 Cr
Hull Mass 500 t
Capacity 1,650 t
Cargo capacity 1,500 t
Crew min. 1 max. 5
Hyperdrive mount yes Default class: 7
Scoop mounts 2
Max cabins 30
Weapon mounts 2
Max missiles 1
Fuel tank capacity 1,000 t
Exhaust Velocity 11,900 km/s
deltaV empty: 13,073 km/s full: 4,545 km/s
Forward acceleration empty: 1.7 G full: 1.45 G
Reverse acceleration empty: 1.2 G full: 0.35 G
Up acceleration empty: 1.5 G full: 0.45 G
Down acceleration empty: 1.2 G full: 0.35 G
Lateral acceleration empty: 1.2 G full: 0.35 G
Angular acceleration empty: - full: -
Atmospheric characteristics
Atmo. shield mount yes
Atmo. pressure limit 3.2 atm
Lift coefficient 0
Aerodynamic stability 0.7
Frontal drag 0.67
Sideways drag 1.05
Top drag 1.1


Storeria is a medium freighter manufactured OPLI-Barnard Inc. Not intended for atmospheric reentry, and it's weak ventral thrusters aren't suitable for landing on planets with higher gravity.
