Tau Ceti

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Tau Ceti
General Information
Short Description Historic system with historic rivals
Faction Commonwealth of Independent Worlds
Government type Social Democracy
Economy type Mixed
Population Over 9 billion
Sector coordinates 0,-2,-1


Type G yellow star

Stable system with 20 major bodies an 13 starports (10 on surface)

12 tau ceti overview.png


One of the "old systems" founded before hyperspace travel, Tau Ceti is the stage of a centuries old rivalry between the heirs of the two original colony ships.

As the "Inamorata" first reached the system in 2331 -despite being launched later- its colonists claimed lush planet Terranova for themselves. When the "Harapan" arrived 5 years later, its passengers unawara they would encounter fellow humans, it had no choice but to land on Planet Pontianak where the colonists would live a harsh life.

Revenge should have no bounds. For four centuries, both factions waged a bloody interplanetary vendetta. While diplomats avoided an all-out war, both governments unofficially maintained strong fleets of privateers, which wrought pillage and destruction on their enemy, further fueling calls for revenge.

During the 27th century, when hyperspace travel connected Tau Ceti to its neighbours, foreigners avoided this dangerous system. The Federation did establish embassies, but took lightly to enforce order in these warlike parts. Pontianak took advantage of this situation, with its agile ships and cunning businessmen making profit from interstellar trade, while their privateers barred Terranova from doing the same.

During the War of Hope (2723-2725), Pontianak sided with the Solar Federation to defend its trade interests and Terranova sided with the Commonwealth, becoming one of its founding members. As both factions neutralized each other, Tau Ceti did not contribute significantly to the outcome of the war at large.

Ever since the end of the war, Tau Ceti has been a member of the CIW, which made efforts to pacify the system by disarming the privateers and treating both planets equally: the system is now safe and prosperous.

As to the calls for blood, they have been replaced by bad taste jokes and faint racism. Citizens of Tau Ceti commonly explain to foreigners: "Our two planets are now in eternal friendship: us and them are worst friends forever".

Inhabitated planets and starports

  • Gunung Sari

Rocky planet a thin Nitrogen atmosphere

Starport: Jangkar

  • Terranova

Massive oceanic world with a Oxygen atmosphere and a highly complex ecosystem

Starports: Verona, Savelli, Mongrassano, Porto Doria

  • Pontianak

Small rocky planet containing some liquidis with a Oxygen atmosphere and indigenous plant life

Starports: Sampang, Kaliurip, Binangun Station

  • Vespone

Tiny rocky planet with no significant atmosphere

Starports: Plataci, Strongoli

  • Tumang

Tiny rocky planet with no significant atmosphere

Starports: Mengok, Pelabuhan

  • Giuditta

Tiny rocky planet with no significant atmosphere

Starport: Moccone


The sky seen from planet Pontianak: beloved star Tau Ceti, and sworn enemy planet Terranova

12 tau ceti planet pontianak.png